My guess is that it had probably crawled in the cardboard packaging while it was still at the cannery or enroute to the store and the cold kept it stunned or too sluggish to move or need any nourishment. Sort of like suspended animation.
Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Snake In My Fridge
by finallysomepride ini just now went to get meat from my fridge to cook, took the meat out & shut the door as i shut the door i thought i saw a piece of rope in the six pack i had just opened & had removed 2 cans, already drunk 1.. open the door again & there i saw what i thought was a piece of rope, but i look a bit closer ...... shit it's a friggin snake, bugger i had only just taken two cans out wtf.. .
Pete Zahut
How do you deal with "toppers"? [one upmanship]
by compound complex inwhen in conversion, you sometimes get carried away and the talk becomes all about you.. then, you remember you're in a conversation, say you're sorry, and allow the other person to talk.
she goes on about what's happening in her life, you listen and ask some questions.
she tells you more and then shifts the dialogue back to you.
Pete Zahut
One uppers and know-it-alls are are particularly annoying to to those of us who actually have done everything and truly do know everything.
One uppers come across as thinking they are better than you but in reality you need to be patient with them because they don't think they are better than you at all. In fact, they view you as someone who is higher up on the imaginary social ladder and who is worthy of impressing.
There's a guy at work like that, no matter what you say, if hasn't done it better himself, he knows someone who has .
Him: Oh, I never check luggage when I's strictly carry on for me.
I usually make some sort of joke out of what he's saying and once he sees I couldn't give two rat's asses about anything like that, he backs off.
Me: Me too, I usually stuff everything into a black garbage bag and drag it on the plane with me.
"To whom do you belong?"
by stuckinarut2 inprompted by one of our fellow posters- jrjw who started a thread asking how to remove "kingdom melodies" from our head, this song title came to mind!
(sorry for the earworm everyone😉).
it got me thinking.
Pete Zahut
It's crazy the things you can remember all these years later.
Let's watch how we walk and watch how we talk,
that thus we may be alert and wise,
buying out the opportune time, since this world in Satan lies,
yes watch watch how we walk and watch how we talk that thus we may be alert and wise.
Let's watch were we preach and watch where we teach,
Encourage meek ones to take their stand,
by our bible studies with them,
Give them all a helping hand,
Let's watch how we greet and watch how we treat,
all those we meet in our ministry,
Like Christ Jesus our fine shepherd,
Care for his sheep lovingly,
Yes watch how we greet and watch how we treat,
and stumble none in our ministry.
When I was a kid my brother and I used to alter the kingdom songs. :
"Lets watch where we schlep and watch where we step, there's dog crap out in our ministreee"
Homes for GB in Tuxido NY
by dogisgod ini was surprised that there are half (or more) million dollar estates the gb lives in.
gated communities.
close to the warwick site.
Pete Zahut
Seriously, why criticise GBs use of Business Class? Anyone who has to fly long distances on a regular basis as part of their work will appreciate the need to avoid Economy Class where leg room is very limited and sleep is difficult
I agree Steve but the irony of it is that most JW's because of their limited education and the admonition to put making a living second to all things JW, are unable to enjoy such comforts or have jobs where such comforts are offered. The GB are living and traveling on the donations that JW's with meager lifestyles are donating. They do without such thing in their own lives so that these servants of God can live like executives.
Pillowgate - John Cedars
by CitizenofEarth inis this true?
is this really true?!.
Pete Zahut
This video was likely part of the many cost saving measures we've seen taking place at Bethel. Someone in accounting noticed that the washing machines in the laundry were wearing prematurely. It was discovered this was due to a high number of Bethelites sneaking into the laundry after hours and setting the machines on the "spin" cycle.
You or Family at Uni? Bye bye Ministerial Servants Position
by snugglebunny inkingdom ministry school.
2018 service year.
programme for congregation elders: file:///c:/users/michael/downloads/kms-tk18-e_no8.pdf.
Pete Zahut
I've had so many JW's tell me that the "Society" doesn't really come out and say that University education is wrong.
It will be nice to print out this letter and have it on hand to show them that their Governing Body considers viewing pornography and getting a University education as being equally offensive.
I'm thinking of showing this to the folks that stand by the cart outside my office building on Thursdays. On second thought, I think I'll print it out and highlight the sentences pertaining to Porn & University and tape it to the wall they stand in front of so that they see it without knowing who put it there.
What do I do ?
by jdash inhey guys, this is my first time posting on here but lets get started.. so i'm a 17 year old boy who currently attends meetings at a congregation in indianapolis.
i live with my grandparents, on my father's side, because my mother died in 2010. i been attending meetings since i was 10. my mother got into the religion but then got disfellowshiped.
my dad is on and off, he currently just got reinstated.
Pete Zahut
You indicate that you are forced into going in service because you are a minor yet you feel it would be possible at this time for you to send in a disassociation/resignation letter. If it's possible for you to formally resign, why wouldn't it be possible for you to fade out and eventually stop going in service and to meetings without having to send in a letter and risk losing your friends and family members?
So, the Womens March ... What Is It For?
by Simon init seems like mobilizing after the election, which seems pointless.
i keep hearing demands for equal rights but don't understand what rights they are missing exactly.. normally a march is to show the support (and potential votes) for a cause, but ... votes for what?
... and the election happened already.. is anyone else confused?
Pete Zahut
What if they had a "Women of Color March" so that women of color could join together and demand the same level of inequality that white women endure at the hands of men?
Are men of color less guilty of the discrimination and the oppression of women because they themselves are oppressed or do women lump all men in together in this area?
Do men of color, by virtue of their maleness endure less oppression and have more advantages than white women?
What's out there?
by Jrjw insomeone asked me what does the world have to offer if left the truth?
'coz i'm still in the process of leaving i just said i don't feel i fit in the truth or the world.
she's known me for 12 years and she's the 3rd person recently to say i've changed.
Pete Zahut
What would you answer if someone said what does the world have to offer??
I'd say:
Both of us are in the same world, doing basically the same things. The only difference is that I don't expect it to offer me anything, rather I'll have something to offer besides standing idly by a cart or knocking on the doors of empty houses and I'll no longer have my day to day activities punctuated by mind numbing meetings for the rest of my life.
Sister may have had a slight heart attack, do I text her?
by Xanthippe inso my cousin phoned and told me my jw sister was taken to hospital with chest pains and it may have been a slight heart attack or possibly she's starting with angina.
now as some of you know my sisters and brother have had little to do with me for 29 years.
we've met at funerals, or arranged them, but i just thought today what if she did die?
Pete Zahut
Sister may have had a slight heart attack, do I text her?
It's never wrong to err on the side of kindness and besides, I have found with relatives that it blows them away when you give them the impression that you had no idea that they were even shunning you. It sort of spoils it for them when you seem perplexed as to notion that anything unusual in your relationship was happening. They like it when they know their efforts are bothering you so there's nothing worse for them than finding out that the person they were ignoring, didn't even notice.
Being an older person, it may seem more heartfelt to your Sister if your were to send an "old school" greeting card with a short hand written note, rather than sending a text message which may seem a bit modern and cold or might seem to imply the need for an immediate response from her, in kind.
A card with a nice poem or message and a brief note in your own handwriting that she can read while she is recuperating, will seem more personal. You could include a photo or two of you and your daughter and put your return mailing address on the top left side of the envelope as you usually would but you could also include your phone number in that location rather than in the card, so it won't seem as if you are expecting her to contact you but it's there if she ever want's to.
(It's amazing what lengths one has to go through just to contact a JW relative)